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05 Jun 2014 13:22:30
chris basham and andy butler both on free's both signed :)


1.) One more striker is what clough is after now. Harry will go - expect a big spend on one more player. It will be either coady or sharp. With stead and Paterson also lined up.

2.) Well if Stead or Paterson are the marquee signing we're doomed. Doomed I tell yer!




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All season everyone has wanted a striker, sheffield united have wanted a striker, the only reason why we havnt signed a striker, is maybe because we are holding out for him. that's the only reason i can think of why clough hasn't signed the big name we're waiting for :/




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Kerrea gilbert :/ just seen he's training to be a personal trainer and plays for st albans, been along time without matches by the looks of it too so doubt this going to happen, gardner on other hand would be a great signing for us in this league! the experiance would be appreciated even tho and ex wednesday player would be great to have he's quality! and also a free agent ;)




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All piping up about no striker, he's built a squad of containing the ball, its pretty obvious what he's next step is. united started the spending early.
9 June – 31 August not even half way through it yet and already bought a new team. all will come in good time, would even put money on it if I could.





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